Executive Committee

Comprised of board officers, the committee oversees operations of the board; acts on behalf of the board during on-demand activities that occur between meetings and performs evaluation of executive director.

Fundraising Committee
Chair Barbara Porter

Oversees development and implementation of the organization’s fundraising plan; identifies and solicits funds from external sources of support, responsible for involvement of all board members in fundraising. Additionally provides support in the brainstorming, planning, and implementing of ticketed museum events
Bingo Fundraising Subcommittee
Chair Phil Alexander

Oversees, recruits and manages volunteers who assist in raising funds for the museum through participating in charitable bingo events, as well as responsible for administrative tasks associated with the museum’s charitable bingo activities.

Programming Committee
Chair Phil Alexander

The Programming Committee advises and assists museum staff on museum policy development, collection oversight, exhibition and educational programming activities.
Freedom Achievers Committee
Chair Monty Logan

The Freedom Achievers Program connects successful achievers with mentees at sessions where mentors can provide insight into career options and interact with mentees, in addition to a high-profile speaker. The speaker series called “Achieving Freedom in the 21st Century” welcomes diverse high-profile community builders to discuss the obstacles they faced and how they challenged issues such as racism, gender inequality and homophobia to create positive change.”

Youth Advisory Committee

We are looking to recruit young people from the community to provide input into museum programming, exhibits and policies in order to enhance and attract young people