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Join the Essex County Black Historical Research Society for our February meeting on Zoom. Dr. Heidi LM Jacobs and lead graduate student researcher Willow Key will provide an overview of the new We Were Here: Documenting Windsor’s McDougall Street Corridor digital archive hosted by Leddy Library… a remarkable collection of images, essays, maps, excerpts of interviews with McDougall Street Corridor residents and descendants, and more. The project was initiated in 2021 through a partnership between the ECBHRS and Leddy. The McDougall Street Corridor, the traditional neighbourhood of Windsor’s Black community, was a dynamic commercial and residential district known for its Black businesses, social clubs, churches, activist organizations, and even a Black-owned hotel… until urban renewal initiatives devastated the area. Please register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Where: Online: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0od-ihrDoqGtECbd13yebzNcZgYZ6Rv6J7