The Fabric of Our Being

Museum Windsor is excited to announce a new installation, "The Fabric of Our Being," on display now at the Chimczuk Museum. Conceptualized and birthed by Jamaican-Canadian Poet and Author, Nadine Williams and her Collective, "The Fabric of Our Being" seeks to bring awareness and celebration to the United Nations proclamation of the International Decade for […]

Museum Admission

AfroFest at the University of Windsor: 2025 Event Schedule

Chrysler Hall Tower (outside) 401 Sunset Avenue, Windsor

Join students at the University of Windsor for a robust schedule of events, including the Art Exhibit with Art-ology x BSSC x BLX x ASA x CAOS on February 6th, Game Night on February 13th, Movie Night on February 27th, Winter Market with BLX on March 5th, and Paint Night with PRS x BSSC on […]