Freedom Achievers Program

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Welcome to Freedom Achievers Program

Scope of the program

The Mentoring and Youth Career Stimulation Program brings mentors, mentees together to develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and connections mentees need as they transition into the employment world.  

What's in the program?

The following is an outline of steps to initiate the Mentoring Program and to sustain it from cycle to cycle. The mentoring cycle should last as long as required given the mentor/mentee relationship.  

  • Create mentor/mentee pairings based on compatibility from application forms for new mentees entering specific occupations.   
  • Conduct an orientation session.   
  • Conduct planned activities.   
  • At the mid-year or mid-point of the program, ask all mentees and mentors to complete the mid-point evaluation form. Take action as necessary on the evaluations.   
  • Provide a certificate of completion .
  • Evaluate each step of the implementation.   
  • At the completion of the program, conduct an overall program evaluation with the mentors and mentees.   
  • Conduct a follow-up evaluation three months after the completion of the program to measure the success of the program.   
  • Conduct the final evaluation and take action as necessary prior to launching the next program cycle.   

Upon completion of the program mentees should be able to enter the employment world with the tools and knowledge to begin a successful career.  

Freedom Achievers Mentors

Benefits of being a mentor with us

  1. Gained satisfaction in building up the self-worth of  a new professional.
  2. Practiced leadership and interpersonal skills.through coaching, communication, and activ elistening.
  3. Contributed to the long-term growth of theirindustry.
  4. Paying it forward.

Freedom Achievers Mentees

Benefits of being a mentee with us

  1. Information, advice, and guidance from experienced professionals.
  2. Non- judgmental feedback.
  3. New contacts and communityconnections.
  4. Realistic, first-hand informationabout career paths,jobs,industries, and worksettings.
  5. Insight and clarity about careerrequirements and futuregoals.

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