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Kirtley Family Part 1 – Henry’s line
While researching the Kirtley family for this month’s highlighted family history, I came across a wealth of information for a few branches of this family, including Henry Kirtley (who married Esther Clingman), Moses Kirtley (who married Elizabeth) and Mildred/Mary Kirtley (married Phillip Butler). Because there was substantial information on each of these branches, each will be highlighted this month. We will begin with Henry Kirtley’s line. Henry Kirtley was born in 1832 and was one of eighteen children born into slavery in Boone County, Kentucky. In 1850, Henry came to Canada and settled in Colchester Township. It was there that he married Esther Ann Clingman who was the daughter of Gabriel Clingman and Mary Ann Atkins. According to Milo Johnson’s book New Canaan, Freedom Land, “most Freedom Seekers were establishing plots of land on Gore Road and operating small garden farms. Henry and Esther worked on their parcel of land, Lot 16 on Gore Road and to supplement their income worked as laborers, employed on other local, large farms.” In the 1891 Census, Henry is listed as a widower, meaning that Esther passed away within the ten years since the last census in 1881. In that (1881) Census it lists Henry (last name spelt Curtley) with his wife Hester (Esther) and some of their children: George, Hiram, Lewis, William, Lucy, Ida, Charles and Judson.
Henry and Esther had twelve children: Lucinda (1860), George Andrew (1861), James (1863), Hiram (1866), Lewis (1867), William (1869), Ida (1873), Charles (1875), Judson (1877), Lucy Ann (1878), Henry (1881) and Harry (1883). Lucinda Kirtley married David Brown, a farmer and son of Theodore and Nancy A. Brown, on September 27, 1878. Lucinda’s brother George Andrew Kirtley married Emiline/Millie Ann Brooks (daughter of John and Fanny Brooks) on December 3, 1885 in Colchester. The couple had two children: James LeRoy (June 1889) and John Harley (September 1890). George was a farmer in Colchester, until moving to Detroit in 1892 when he became a teamster for the Geneva Baking Company of Detroit. Sadly, George passed away after a team of horses he was driving panicked and he fell off the horse, breaking his leg. He died of septic shock due to the severity of the break.
George’s brother James Kirtley married Emily Melissa Robinson, daughter of Paddy and Eliza Robinson, on April 28, 1879 in Colchester. The 1881 Census lists James and Melissa Curtley (Kirtley) with their 9-month-old son, Walter. The next census for 1891 lists James and his children Walter and Matilda, but James is listed as a widower. James’ son Walter became a farmer and later married Nina Miller, the daughter of Elmer Miller and Emily Taylor. They married on February 10, 1904 in Saxville (Colchester). Also available was a birth record for James Harland Curtley who is listed as the son of James Madderson Curtley (Kirtley) and Emily M. Robinson and was born on June 3, 1886 in Colchester. After James’ first wife Melissa’s passing at the age of 29, James married Janny Petifoot, the daughter of Charles and Sarah Pettifoot, on September 18, 1887.
James’ brother Lewis married Isabelle Grant and they resided in Detroit. Also found was another marriage record for Lewis, but this time to Emily Leach who was the daughter of Anderson Leach and Mary Ann Day. According to their marriage record, Lewis was a sailor and they married on February 4, 1891 in Windsor. Lewis’ brother William sadly passed away at age 27 in March of 1895. William is listed as a labourer.
The next Kirtley child, Ida, married Edward Love on February 28, 1906 in Windsor. Edward, a barber, was born in Georgia and was the son of Oliver and Mary Love. Ida’s death record from May 27, 1933 in Walkerville, lists her as a housewife. Ida’s brother Charles Kirtley lived with his grandparents Gabriel and Mary Ann Clingman and assisted in the operation of Gabriel’s garden farm. This information is found in the 1891 Census which lists Charles as living with Gabriel, whose occupation is listed as “Market Gardener.” At the time Charles was 15, while Gabriel was 73 and Mary Ann was 72, meaning that Charles would have likely helped them a great deal.
Next is Judson Kirtley, who worked as a Porter and married B. Plummer who was the daughter of George Plummer and S. Chambers. Judson and B. were married on January 1, 1907 in Windsor. B. Plummer was born in Ohio and Roman Catholic.
Lucy Ann Kirtley’s birth record lists her as Lucy Ann Mary Jane Kirtley and her date of birth was August 29, 1870. On April 22, 1901, she married Albert Chambers, a labourer and the son of John Chambers and Christina Morissa. The couple lived in Windsor. There was no information available for Harry Kirtley, but Henry Kirtley became a sailor and worked on steamships out of Detroit.
What we publish is not a complete history of any family and is based on the documents that are available. We welcome photos and information to fill in the gaps. See you next week for part 2.
Kirtley Family Part 2 – Mildred/Mary’s Line
As mentioned, we’re going to discuss three branches of the Kirtley family in Essex County and so far we have discussed Henry’s line. Next is the line of Mildred, sometimes listed as Mary, Kirtley. Mildred was born circa 1842 and married Philip Butler. According to Philip’s obituary, Mildred was a school teacher and Philip’s career is also noteworthy. In his September 1910 obituary, it says “Mr. Butler was born in Malden township, being one of a family of seven children of whom two sisters and one brother survive – Mrs. Grace Foster, of Monroe, Mich, and Mrs. Emaline Ward, of Dakota, and James Butler, of Adrian, Mich. He was married in 1861 to Mildred Kirtley, a school teacher, and she with two daughters are left to mourn – Mrs. Charles Mitchell and Mrs. Thomas Pearl, both of this township. Two sons, Walter and Gordon predeceased their father. Mr. Butler’s name will go down to posterity as one which stood for honesty and probity. He was a hard worker, and in his prime was one of the strongest men in the township. For many years he was a county constable and his services towards the preservation of peace and good order were invaluable. The funeral took place Sunday to Rose Hill cemetery, Amherstburg. Services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Bowden, pastor in charge of this community, and by Star Lodge, No 17, F. & A.M., of which deceased was a member, and Lincoln Lodge, No. 8, F. & A.M., of Amherstburg. A very large number of friends and relatives turned out to pay their last respects.”
Mildred and Philip had at least four children: Walter, Gordon Calvin, Olive and Clara A. There was not any information for Walter, but Gordon was a farm labourer, born circa 1867. Gordon’s sister Olive was born March 25, 1868 and married more than once. Olive married Thomas P. Pearl, a stone mason and the son of Bazzle Pearl and Catherine Hilton, on July 11, 1897 in Detroit. According to Olive’s death record, years later, she married someone with the last name Hulett, but the first name is difficult to read and may say “Ury.”
Mildred and Philip’s last child, Clara, married Charles J. Mitchell, the son of Levi and Annie, on January 6, 1891 in Amherstburg. According to her death record, Clara was born on July 16, 1869 in New Canaan and she passed in May 1949 in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the age of 79. She is also listed as a widow. Clara Butler Mitchell’s children included Ella, Mira Ann, Mabel Orphella, Fulton Fremont, Clara Janette, Mary Gertrude and Charles Clayton.
Ella Mitchell, the first child of Clara and Charles, married Roman Hall, a 29-year-old farmer and the son of Jessee Hall and Mary Allan, on June 28, 1916. At the time, Ella was 23 and her occupation is listed as “farmer’s daughter.” Ella’s sister Mira Ann, was born on October 2, 1894 in Colchester North and she married John D. Day, the son of Samuel Day and Sarah Hunt, on February 19, 1919 in New Canaan.
Mira Ann’s sister Mabel Orphella was born on January 27, 1897 in Colchester, while her brother Fulton Fremont Mitchell was born on August 15, 1899. Fulton Fremont married Gladys Berdue on November 1, 1924 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The names of Gladys’ parents are not listed in their marriage record, but it does say that she was 20 years old, a cook and born in Kalamazoo, Michigan. It also mentions that Fremont’s occupation was “Trucking.” Following the passing of his first wife, Fremont married Dona Gunn Gutierrez, the daughter of James Gunn and Emma Ledbetter, on June 2, 1939 in Lucas, Ohio. According to their marriage record, both spouses of Fremont and Dona passed away because they are listed as widower/widow. This record even states Dona’s first husband’s name: Elias Gutierrez. Dona was also born in Indiana and worked as a domestic.
Next is Clara Janette Mitchell who was born on September 24, 1904 in Colchester North, while Mary Gertrude was born on December 6, 1907 in Colchester North and Charles Clayton Mitchell was born on July 11, 1910, also in Colchester North. On June 12, 1931 in Lucas, Ohio, Charles Clayton married Virginia Reese, the daughter of George and Helen Reese. Their marriage record states that Clayton was a gardener and that neither he nor Virginia were previously married.
What we publish is not a complete history of any family and is based on the documents that are available. We welcome photos and information to fill in the gaps. See you next week for part 3.
Kirtley Family Part 3 – Moses’ Line
The third and final Kirtley family line that will be discussed is through Moses Kirtley. He married a woman named Elizabeth. Their son Hiram, born in the 1830s in Kentucky, married Frances Brantford, the daughter of Moses and Eliza Brantford, on December 26, 1858 in Essex. According to Frances Brantford’s 1891 obituary, she “was a daughter of the late Moses Brantford, and was born and lived all her life in Amherstburg. Her surviving brothers are William, of this town; George of Detroit, and Moses, of Jackson, Mich., and sister, Mrs. J. McGruder, of Battle Creek, Mich., and Claressa Brantford, of this town. She was married to the late Hiram Kirtley, who died about ten years ago. Her surviving children are: — Augustus, of St. Paul, Minn.,: James, Moses and Lyla, of this town. She has, for years, been a consistent member of the First Baptist Church.”
Hiram Kirtley, sometimes spelt Hyram Curtley, worked as a sailor, sometimes listed as a marine engineer. Hiram and Frances/Fanny had several children including Hiram A. (listed as a waiter in 1881 census), James Henry (listed as a cook), Moses (listed as a cook), Elizabeth and Charlotte. The 1871 Census also lists a Sarah as one of their children. There is information available for two of their children, James Henry and Moses (see part 4 for Moses), so we will discuss them next.
James Henry Kirtley, son of Hiram and Fanny, married Ellen Drucilla Brown on January 3, 1894 in Detroit and it was quite the event considering both The Detroit Enquirer and The Amherstburg Echo wrote about the couple’s wedding day. The Detroit Enquirer says “One of the most beautiful home weddings of the season was solemnized last Wednesday evening, January 3rd, the contracting parties of that most happy event being Miss Ella Brown, one of our most estimable young ladies, and James A. Kirtley, of Amherstburg, who is one of the most enterprising and industrious young men of that thriving little city by the lake. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark … The bride appeared in a beautiful dress of white bengaline silk, high corsage, with train and wearing a veil, and carried a lovely bouquet of bridal roses and hyacinths. The bridesmaid, Miss Coston, of our city, was attired in a pretty dress of pink silk, demi-train with high corsage and flowers. Of course the groom and groomsman, Wm. Webb, of Amherstburg, wore the conventional dress, as usual. The ceremony was performed under a beautiful marriage bell, and the rooms were prettily decorated with … roses, and the beaming faces of hosts of friends wreathed in bright and happy smiles, who came to attend at the launching of these two dear young folks upon the beautiful [illegible] of matrimony. A reception was held after the ceremony, and the hospitality of the hostess was enjoyed to the utmost, a fine collation of the choicest [illegible] being furnished. There were presents ‘galore,’ and many very beautiful ones, too, which were displayed in a side room. Silver, crystal and bric-a-brac, linen, porcelain, glass and beautiful china, etc.”
Ella’s mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Clark is listed in both this article and in their marriage record, but Ella’s father is not mentioned. The marriage record also states that Ella was born circa 1868 in Virginia and, just as is listed in the 1881 Census, James’ occupation was a cook. James’ career as a chef is mentioned several times in the Amherstburg Echo. On April 15, 1910, it says “James Kirtley, the well known steamboat chef, will be home again this season, having secured the stewardship on the big steel tug Charles E. Williams, of the Buffalo Dredging Co.” The following year, on December 29, 1911, the paper still shows him in the same job, but for a different employer and says “James Kirtley, the well-known chef, has accepted a position in the Lake View, as cook for the winter months.”
According to Doris Gaspar, on June 22, 1867 Hiram Kirtley took over the property at 250 King Street. Gaspar adds that James Henry Kirtley and his wife Ella lived on the property with James’ mother, and around 1914-1915 James built the house that is now located at 250 King Street. If you look closely, you can see ‘J.H. Kirtley’ is written in the cement in front of the house.
The saddest mention of his career is in his November 10, 1934 (printed November 16, 1934) obituary which refers to him as a respected citizen. The article also says “When a young man he began working in the galley of freighters and followed this occupation until last year. He was chef of the Norton, Zenith City. Richardson, and his last boat was the Mullen, on which he worked for some years. He was well known among mariners and respected for his many fine qualities. Forty years ago he was married to Miss Ella Brown, of Detroit, who survives him. Eight children were born to their union … Those surviving him are: Frances, Mrs. Alphonse Dezon, Detroit; Miss Flossie, of Detroit; Kenneth, of St. Louis, Mo., AND William, of Chicago, Ill. Mr. Kirtley was a member of the First Baptist Church, Amherstburg and an ardent worker in the activities of the church. At the time of his death he held the office of deacon. He was also a member of Lincoln Lodge, F.& A.M. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon under the auspices of this lodge. There was a large number in attendance at the service, which was conducted by Rev. Edwards, pastor of the First Baptist Church, Amherstburg … The ceremony for the lodge was conducted by Mr. R.J. Robins, Grand Master of Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Ontario. Vocal solos were rendered by Mrs. Wm. Wilson and Mrs. Jerome Simpson. Many beautiful floral tributes and letters of condolence were received by the bereaved family.”
Many nice things are said about James’ wife Ella in her own obituary: “She was born in Virginia, but as a child came to Detroit with her parents to reside. Forty-two years ago she was married to James Kirtley, well known marine chef, who died two years ago. Following their marriage they came to Amherstburg to live. Her maiden name was Ella Brown. Eight children were born to their union … Mrs. Kirtley was prominent in church and social work among her race. She was a leading member of the First Baptist Church, and headed many of the church societies.” Ella was involved in several groups, inside and outside of the church. As early as 1895, Ella is listed as a member of the Social Literary Society in Amherstburg. At a “musical party” hosted by Ella and other members such Mrs. Prior Wilson, Miss Christian and F.H.A. Davis, Ella (Mrs. James H. Kirtley) and Miss Mabel Binga gave vocal performances, while guests also enjoyed refreshments and games.
Among the other organizations that Ella was involved with include the Women’s Guild of the First Baptist Church. In the January 28, 1927 edition of the Amherstburg Echo it discusses a meeting at the home of Mrs. Estella Stokes “for the purpose of closing the books for the year 1926 and electing officers for 1927.” Among those elected was Mrs. E.D. Kirtley as the Treasurer. She was also a member of Amherstburg’s Central Grove Club..
Other articles list her activities, but she is often listed as Mrs. James Kirtley. A common way to recognize women at that time was by using their husband’s names. A reception for the Frederick Douglass Self Improvement Club, an Amherstburg-based etiquette club, was held in the home of “Mr. and Mrs. Jas. H. Kirtley, King street, on Wednesday. The evening was spent in games, singing and other amusements, which were kept up till the wee sma hours of the morning and all departed extending to the host and hostess their hearty thanks for their hospitality.” Many years later, in 1925, Ella attended the Michigan and Ontario Wolverine state convention as a representative from the Women’s Missionary Society of the First Baptist Church. The same year, she attended the Regular Baptist Association Home Mission and Sunday School convention in Toronto, which also involved guests attending a fair. Several years later, in 1932, Mrs. J.H. Kirtley participated in the missionary service held in Windsor at the British Methodist Episcopal Church, likely as a representative of the First Baptist Church.
Clearly, Ella was active in the community and the same can be said for her husband, James Henry. He was involved in the Amherstburg Literary Association which met at the King Street School House, just down the street from the Amherstburg Freedom Museum. On several occasions in 1881, the Amherstburg Echo reported the activities of this group, particularly debates. In January 1881, James Kirtley was given the title of captain for a debate that concerned “which is productive of the greatest amount of evil, intemperance or the sword.” The next month, he participated in a three-cornered debate which asked the following question: “A woman is alone and ill on an island, and is discovered by one man, is brought off by a second man, and is cured by a third man, and each claims that his right to her is the best – Whose is?’ The right of No. 1 was championed by W.G. Kirk and Augustus Adams, that of No. 2 by N. McCurdy and James Monroe, and that of No. 3 by Ralph Adams and J. Kirtley. Decision was given in favour of Messrs. McCurdy and Monroe.”
What we publish is not a complete history of any family and is based on the documents that are available. We welcome photos and information to fill in the gaps. See you next week for part 4.
Kirtley Family Part 4 – A Love of Music
In part 3, it was said that Ella and James H. Kirtley’s obituaries both mention that they had eight children, but only list the four surviving children: Frances, Flossie, Kenneth and William. The remaining children include Hervey/Harvey, James Edgar, Norman and Azalia. We will discuss the children of Ella and James in order of birth. First is James Edgar. He was born on December 23, 1894, but no other information was available for him. Next is Azalia whose academics and love of music were spoken of in the Amherstburg Echo which in 1908 writes that Azalia, along with her sister Frances, attended the King Street School and received their certificates of promotion. A few years later, in August 1911, the paper mentions a successful function given by Mrs. J.H. Kirtley “Wednesday evening, in honour of Misses A. Madeline Foster, Marjorie Alexander and Azailia Kirtley, the former having passed the examination for entrance to Normal schools, and the two latter the entrance examination. A short musical and literary program was given with J.H. Alexander as chairman. Instrumental numbers were given by Misses Azalia Kirtley, B. Moxley, Marjorie Alexander and Charles Jones … The dining-room had been beautifully decorated for the occasion and a sumptuous repast was served, covers being laid for forty. Among those present were Miss Daisy Jones, of South Carolina, Miss Ena K. Tucker of Chicago, and Dr. J. Harold Alexander.”
This article mentions that Azalia was a musician. She also played an instrumental solo at the Harvest Home services in the A.M.E. church in October 1910, which featured a display of fruits, vegetables and grain. The event also had something called a guess cake (guess exact weight) which weighed five pounds and was won by Mrs. Cora Jones.
Sadly, Azalia passed away at the young age of 20 and it was reported “The sympathy of the whole town will be extended to Mr. and Mrs. James Kirtley and family in the loss of their talented daughter Azailia, … a victim of the great white plague. Miss Kirtley had a brilliant career through the Public and High schools of Amherstburg and the St. Joseph’s Conservatory of Music to become a professional musician. She used her talents in the advancement of the First Baptist church, of which she was a devoted member and organist for years. The struggle of her parents to give her the chance she deserved is a worthy example of the town in general, and the blow of her death comes doubly hard on this account. Her loss not only to the community, but in church life will be felt for years to come … The esteem in which the family was held and the love borne the young lady by the community was evidenced by many beautiful floral offerings under which the casket was smothered.”
Azalia’s sister Frances was born on November 28, 1898. Just like her sister Azalia, Frances participated in the Harvest Home Services at the A.M.E. Church, but instead of an instrumental solo, Frances performed a recitation. She participated in 1910 and 1919. Frances was also a talented singer and at a memorial service for the Ruth Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star she sang the song “One Sweetly Solemn Thought” to honour deceased members. Frances’ sister Florence Kirtley acted as accompanist. An interesting note about Frances is that an immigration record lists her occupation as a machine operator.
Frances married Alphonso DeZon in August 1933. According to the Echo “A pretty summer wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride’s parents, King Street, Amherstburg … A profusion of summer flowers with potted palms and wedding bell decorated the room in which the marriage took place. The bride looked lovely in a wedding dress of egg-shell satin, fashioned on long lines, with a wreath of pearls and white tulle, and white brocaded shoes. She carried a banquet of pink tea roses and asters. Miss Florence Kirtley, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and was gowned in pale green orgrandie with pink accessories, and carried a bouquet of American Beauty roses. Mr. Harold Lewis of Detroit, acted as best man. Preceding the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served to the members of the two families, and following the ceremony a wedding luncheon was served to the guests who numbered about 80. Mrs. J.H. Kirtley, mother of the bride, received the guests, dressed in a lace-trimmed grey chiffon dress with close-fitting black hat and black accessories. The groom’s mother, Mrs. DeZon, assisted at the reception, in a blue and grey dress with matching hat. Following the reception the happy couple left on a motor trip to Toronto and other eastern points. On their return they will reside in Detroit.”
The next child of Ella and James Henry Kirtley is Hervey/Harvey, but it is difficult to decipher the correct spelling in documents. He was born on November 28, 1900, but no other information is available. Next is Norman Henry Kirtley who was born on January 26, 1902 in Amherstburg. In 1907, a four-year-old Norman experienced a terrible accident while playing with some matches which caused his shirt to catch fire. He was badly burned, but at the end of the article it says that he was getting along nicely. Norman’s brother Kenneth Augustus Kirtley was born on December 19, 1905, while William Kirtley was born on November 11, 1907. Clearly, the Kirtley children loved music and William was no exception. At a “musicale and chicken supper” hosted by the Ladies’ Sewing Circle of the Baptist church in 1925, William Kirtley, accompanied by his sister Florence, gave a violin solo. It’s clear that music was important to this family.
William’s sister Florence was born on March 23, 1910 in Amherstburg and was a dedicated student. In 1930 she received a scholarship medal at General Amherstburg, along with Murial Atkin, Marion Wigle, Marion Grondin and Margaret Maloney. As mentioned, Florence loved music. She performed at a meeting of the Literary Society in 1927 and “in her usual pleasing manner gave a piano solo” and at a concert in the A.M.E. Church in 1928, playing an instrumental selection called “Meditation,” in addition to accompanying, on the piano, Mrs. Henry Hall who sang “The Wayside Cross.” Florence also played the “Wedding March” at the wedding of Alva Norma Wilson and Ralph McCurdy in 1935.
In addition to playing music in the church, Florence also acted as secretary of the Amherstburg branch of the Missionary Baptist Association and attended their annual convention in 1933. Florence was joined by her mother, Mrs. J.H. Kirtley (Ella) who was appointed a delegate of the church and missionary society.
Florence passed away in 1937 and in her obituary it says that she was “born in the parental home on King Street, Amherstburg, March 23, 1910. She was educated in the Amherstburg public and high schools and, after her graduation she went to Detroit and became a stenographer in a legal office in that city. She was a member of the First Baptist Church and took an active part in church and Sunday School work. Popular in her social set, her services were always in demand and were always given freely … The floral tributes were many and beautiful, and a large number of out of town cars were in the long cortege to Rose Hill cemetery.”
As mentioned previously, there is information available for another child of Hiram and Fanny Kirtley, Moses (brother of James Henry), so he will be discussed next. On December 6, 1888, Moses, a cook, married Annie Simpson, the daughter of James and Susan Simpson. Annie was born circa 1868 in Springwells, Michigan.
Moses and Annie had at least four children: Lavernia, Ralph, Lloyd and James Hiram. Lavernia attended the King Street School and in February 1898 was listed on the Honour Roll. She later married Royal Hall, son of David Hall and Rachel Thomton, on July 21, 1913 in Sandwich, Ontario. The previous year, Lavernia is listed as a guest for a masquerade party hosted by the “Mutt and Jeff” club. According to the Amherstburg Echo, the “evening was well attended and proved a brilliant success. Dancing commenced about nine o’clock and the light fantastic was tripped until about four a.m. There were about fifty couples in attendance, and all left the hall with warm spots in their hearts for ‘Mutt and Jeff’ … A delicious luncheon was served at midnight.”
According to an immigration record for Ralph Kirtley, he worked as a mechanic and was over 6 foot tall. Ralph’s brother, Lloyd, was born on December 13, 1893 in Amherstburg. In April 1911, the Amherstburg Echo reported that “James Kirtley, chef, and Lloyd Kirtley, porter, left Tuesday for Milwaukee to fit out the big steel steamer James B. Wood, of the Hanna Fleet.” Years later he worked as a sheet metal worker and married Alice Evonne Kelly, a 21-year-old dental assistant and the daughter of William Kelly and Elizabeth Christian. Did you know, Alice’s sister was Ada Kelly Whitney who became the first Black teacher hired by the Windsor Board of Education? Alice and Lloyd were married on August 23, 1918 in Windsor. For Lloyd’s brother James Hiram, all that could be found was his birth record which states that he was born October 1889.
The 1901 Census lists Annie Kirtley (occupation: domestic), along with her children Lavernia, Ralph and Lloyd, living in the household of Matilda Simpson. Annie is listed as married, but Moses is not listed. A possible explanation can be found in an immigration record for Moses Kirtley from 1915. At the time, Moses was a 53-year-old cook. For nearest relative or friend, is says “no Rel,” meaning no relative and for the question “Ever in U.S.” it says from 1900 to 8-25-1915. The record also states that he intends to remain permanently in the US.
What we publish is not a complete history of any family and is based on the documents that are available. We welcome photos and information to fill in the gaps. See you next week where we will celebrate another amazing family.